Monday, September 10, 2012

Plaosan Temple, Twin Temple Relict of Syailendra

Plaosan Temple, a Buddhist temple with a blend of Hindu

If you had the opportunity to visit Prambanan, do not hurry home. Around the Prambanan temple complex there are many other temples, which, although smaller, is no less interesting. One is Plaosan located about one kilometer from Prambanan.

Plaosan complex has two opposite, namely Plaosan Lor (north) and South Plaosan (south). The two complexes are separated by a road. Different from Candi Prambanan Hindu temple, a Buddhist temple Plaosan yet affected Hindu architectural style.

Plaosan Sailendra Dynasty relics, built under the orders of Empress Rakai Pikatan for Sri Kahulunan or Pramudyawardhani. The temple complex was built in the mid-9th century.

The temple complex consists of 174 buildings and 116 small stupas that are characteristic of a Buddhist temple. At the second gate of the temple complex there Dwarapala statue, which is considered as the guardian of a sacred site.

The price of admission temple complex is Rp. 5000 per person. Motorcycle parking provided by local residents across the gate of the temple with a rate of Rp. 2000.

Plaosan location quite close to Prambanan. From the Yogya-Solo, you just turn to the left - which is right down the road on the left complex of Prambanan. This road is an alternative way to Magelang. At the T-junction, turn right until you find the location Plaosan.

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