Solo Raya

Tawang Mangu Waterfall

Tawangmangu? Yeachh…… Tawangmangu is a name of the area at the foot of Mount Lawu in District of Karanganyar. Because the existence of the plateau are in place, making the attraction is still fresh and cool air temperatures, especially at night, the day so a lot of tourists who visit here. With beautiful scenery, hills and fields of farmers who gave a cool green color makes it an ideal place for us to unwind and refreshing.

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Kasunanan Palace

The Kraton Surakarta (Kasunanan Palace) is the older and more important of the two royal palaces at Solo (Surakarta).  It was built by Pakubuwono II in 1745 and then expanded at the beginning of the 20th century. A fire destroyed Kraton Surakarta in 1985 and it has since been reconstructed. There is a museum on the grounds, and you can also take a guided tour, but much of the Kraton is not visitable since it is still home to the Surakarta royalty. 

Klewer Market

Pasar Klewer in Solo is the biggest batik market in Java, a great place to buy not only the less expensive stamped cloths (Batik Cap), but also some of the best hand drawn (Batik Tulis). There are plenty of tailors in the market who can make shirts and skirts a day.  Pasar Klewer shouldn't be missed, especially for travelers who love to shop.


Bengawan Solo River

Bengawan Solo is the longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to embouchure near Surabaya, on the Java Sea.

Gajah Mungkur Reservoir

 Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is located about 3 km from the town of Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. The water supply of the dam is from Bengawan Solo River, the longest river in Java. Its construction was in 1975 until 1981. The lake of the dam covers an area of 8.800 ha and has capacity to irrigate 23.600 ha of rice fields in the regencies of Klaten, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen.

Balekambang Park

Balekambang park is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani, Surakarta Residency, Central Java Province. It was built in 1921 by King KGPAA Mangkunegara VII to the king's daughter, GRAy Partini Hussein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta. Now, the statue of the king's daughters could be witnessed in the area of ​​the park with an area of ​​approximately 9.8 hectares. Balekambang park is divided into two area, namely Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch.  

Mangkunegaran Palace

Standing in the northern part of the royal city of Solo in Central Java is the Mangkunegaran Palace, an exquisite representation of Javanese valor and determination against injustice, oppression and colonialsm.

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Taru Jurug Animal Park

A recreational park on Jl. Ir. Sutami located on the banks of Solo River. Visitors can relax under the trees while enjoying the beauty of Solo and watch animals that currently there are 60 species, including animals that have been drained named Kyai Anggoro. 

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