Friday, July 20, 2012

Taru Jurug Animal Park

Wildlife Parks Jurug Taru (TSTW), Solo Central Java Province
A recreational park on Jl. Ir. Sutami located on the banks of Solo River. Visitors can relax under the trees while enjoying the beauty of Solo and watch animals that currently there are 60 species, including animals that have been drained named Kyai Anggoro. 

 In this park there is also Gesang Monument built to honor the services of Mr. Gesang Keroncong Maestro Solo with his song, and Gesang Studio which is currently used for the performing arts keroncong music.

Wildlife Parks Jurug Taru (TSTW) or better known Jurug Park is located on the outskirts of Solo near the Solo River, other tourist attractions visited by many people is also often used to celebrate the customs Solo. Custom events are often held solo shows here eg Syawalan the peak marked by float Ageng Gethek Tingkir Joko

Thousands of people thronged the Solo and the surrounding areas and seputaran TSTJ Solo River which is used as a place pelarungan. The procession which tells the story of Joko Tingkir's journey towards Demak was conducted in Bengawan Solo River, ranging from Pesanggrahan Langenharjo Grogol, Sukoharjo to Butuh Sragen, with a stop first at the Wildlife Park Taru Jurug (TSTJ) Solo.  

Implementation of the cultural procession will then have a huge interest from the community Solo. This is seen by thousands of people crowded along the Solo River flow is bypassed by the parade procession.
In TSTJ have animals of Sriwedari Bon Raja collection. Among these are the elephant that named Kiai Anggoro.

In addition there is an early children's playground or a kids play ground. In this playground the visitors who come with their children can ride an elephant or just playing swing and others.

In the middle of this park there is a lake where visitors can wade in the existing boat riding. Or you can also fish in this lake.

Entertainment events are regularly held the manager are campursari and dangdut music.

Open every day at 8:00 to 17:00 pm.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mangkunegaran Palace

Mangkunegaran Palace, Solo City, Central Java
Standing in the northern part of the royal city of Solo in Central Java is the Mangkunegaran Palace, an exquisite representation of Javanese valor and determination against injustice, oppression and colonialsm.

The palace is known as puri or pura (pronounced as “puro” in Javanese) and not the usual Javanese term “Keraton” for a palace, since politically it was not that of the ruling house, but was an independent kadipaten or district.

Therefore, it bears slightly different characteristics compared to other Javanese palaces. Mangkunegaran is mainly distinguished by the absence of a public square with the classic pair of Banyan trees as typically found in Javanese main cities.

The Mangkunegaran rule in Surakarta was established through a long, bitter and intricate historical process. The seed of its establishment was planted in the late era of the Mataram Sultanate , at the arrival of Dutch forces which t created political havoc in the area.

After the death of Amangkurat IV of the Mataram Sultanatein 1726, Mataram  became overshadowed by Dutch intervention who managed to put Adipati Anom (bearing the title Pakubuwana II) to the throne, rather than the rightful heir, Prince Arya Mangkunagara who fiercely  opposed the Dutch . Through cunning political moves, Arya Mangkunegara was exiled to Ceylon in 1728, and finally sent to Kaapstad at the most southern-end of Africa.  

Meanwhile in 1742, a Chinese uprising, known as Geger Pacinang broke out in Batavia (present-day Jakarta) in reaction to the Chinese genocide directed by Dutch General Governor, Adriaan Valckenier.

The remaining survivals fled to take refuge east, where they ultimately joined forces with Mataram peasants who suffered a similar fate under the oppression of the Dutch as well as by their own rulers. The oppressed Mataram peasants were led by a valiant warrior prince called Raden Mas Said, who was the son of the exiled prince Arya Mangkunegara.

The combined forces managed to tear down the walls and completely destroyed the Palace at Kartasura, forcing Sultan Pakubuwana II to retreat to Ponorogo in East Java. During this era, Raden Mas Said married Rubiyah who would ultimately become the leader of the brave female legion, and was thereafter given the title Matah Ati.

Six months later, with the aid of Dutch forces, Pakubuwana II managed to quell the uprising. But when he found the Kartasura Palace completely destroyed, the Sultan was forced to move the capital to Surakarta. His policy to directly involve Dutch forces in the war cost the sultanate to cede Mataram territory stretching from Rembang in northern Central Java all the way to Surabaya, Madiun and Madura in East Java. The policy even stripped the ruling Pakubuwana II of all his power as he became merely a Leenman or “Borrower of Dutch authorities”.

Ever since 1746 Raden Mas Said joined forces with his uncle, Prince Mangkubumi, younger brother of Pakubuwana II, in a guerilla warfare against the Dutch-Mataram forces deep in Yogyakarta in what most historians refer to as the Java Succession War III. Rade Mas Said later married for the second time with Prince Mangkubumi’s daughter, Raden Ayu Inten, and began to use the title Pangeran Adipati Mangkunegoro Senopati Panoto Baris Lelono Adikareng Noto.

In the midst of the War, Pakubuwana II fell ill and eventually passed away in 1749. Before he died, he submitted sovereignty of the Sultanate to the Dutch Eastern Coast Governor, Baron von Hohendrof. The Dutch authorities eventually inaugurated the son of Pakubuwana II, Raden Mas Suryadi, as Successor, bearing the title Pakubuwono III.

At the same time, upon hearing that Pakubuwono II had passed away, Prince Mangkubumi was also crowned Sultan of Mataram in Yogyakarta, bearing the same title of Pakubuwono III. The event escalated the heat of war between the two factions.

In 1752 the coalition between Raden Mas Said and Prince Mangkubumi broke down due to the dispute over the single undivided supremacy over  Mataram. Prince Mangkubumi turned against his own son in law and waged war against Raden Mas Said. After several failed attempts to defeat Raden Mas Said, Prince Mangkubumi subsequently turned to the Dutch and Pakubuwono III.

Finally, through the Treaty of Giyanti , signed in 1755 between  Pakubuwana III, Prince Mangkubumi, and Dutch representative, Nicolas Hartingh, the dispute between Pakubuwono III and Prince Mangkubumi was settled. The charter also marked the official end to the unified and independent Mataram Sultanate since The Giaynti Treaty  divided the Mataram Sultanate into the Yogyakarta Sultanate ruled by Prince Mangkubumi (who later took the name Hamengkubuwono I) and the Kasunanan Surakarta under Pakubuwono III. The Yogyakarta Sultanate then established the Keraton or Palace of Yogyakarta.

The charter also formed a new coalition between Surakarta, Yogyakarta and Dutch forces against the relentless Raden Mas Said. Under the Sumpah Paworing Kawula pledge: Tiji Tibeh, Mati Siji Mati Kabeh, Mukti Siji Mukti Kabeh (Death to one and Death to all, Glory to one and one Glory to all), Raden Mas Said and his forces continued his revolt  against the Dutch orchestrated coalition. Three great battles were recorded during the course of 1752-1757 that dubbed Raden Mas Said as Pangeran Sambernyawa or The Prince of Life Taker, since he always brought terror and spread death in battlefields.

Facing the fact that simply nobody could defeat Raden Mas Said, Nicholas Hartingh, the Dutch ruler in Semarang, urged Paku Buwono III to invite Raden Mas Said to diplomatic talks. Raden Mas Said accepted the invitiation for as long as it would not involve the Dutch authorities.  Eventually peace was restored in 1757 through the Salatiga Charter, which was later acknowledged by the Yogyakarta Sultanate as well as the Dutch authorities.

The Charter stated that Raden Mas Said was inaugurated as an Adipati Miji or Independent ruler over the Praja Mangkunegaran or the Independent district of Mangkunegaran. Taking the title Mangkunegara I, Raden Mas Said ruled over Kedaung, Matesih, Honggobayan, Sembuyan, Gunung Kidul, Northern Pajang and  Kedu. He eventually set up his own palace near the Pepe River, known today as the Pura Mangkunegaran.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Balekambang Park

Balekambang Park, Solo City, Central Java Province
Balekambang park is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani, Surakarta Residency, Central Java Province. It was built in 1921 by King KGPAA Mangkunegara VII to the king's daughter, GRAy Partini Hussein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta. Now, the statue of the king's daughters could be witnessed in the area of ​​the park with an area of ​​approximately 9.8 hectares. Balekambang park is divided into two area, namely Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch.  

In addition to this place there is also a Traditional Arts Building "Ketoprak Balekambang" and cafe run by young artists Solo. Blend of traditional and modern art in a place, a unique. In the 70's into 80's Ketoprak Balekambang Building used as stage show Srimulat which at that time was having a heyday. In fact, the park also had a nasty location before revitalized as it is now.

Partini Tuin or Water Parks Partini

Partini Tuin or Water Parks Partini, is a large catchment pond and serve as water reservoirs. There are some games that type of water can be used by the visitors to have fun and unique swan-shaped seating in the pool to relax

Partinah Bosch or Forest Partinah Bosch
Partinah Bosch or Forest Partinah Bosch is a garden area planted with various plants and rare trees. Nan old trees here to make a giant garden views to green, lush, and exotic. Some visitors seemed to relax in the reserved seats in the garden area, sitting on the grass with your family / loved one, and some looks fun to play with turkey and deer that are left loose in the park (the latter is my own ding lol).Free Removable 

Deer released freely in the garden area
The domestic animals released freely in the garden area. This is what makes the park look international class. If the parks overseas often we see dozens of idle pigeons in the park, so do Balekambang Park. There are many domestic animals are released free, not only pigeons but also deer, geese, turkeys, and several other domestic animals. 

If you do not feel challenged playing with deer and turkeys, we can visit the Reptile Park which located in the Balekambang Park area. In this park, visitors can play around with a giant snake, iguana, Angora rabbits, hornbills, eagles, and some other animals. While venomous reptiles and some wild animals / wildlife remain grounded for the safety of other visitors. Depok bird market and Ornamental Fish Market is also being developed to integrate with this Balekambang Park area. 

Admission Park entrance is free of charge. If using a private vehicle, the new visitor might pay parking charge. 

To reach Balekambang Park, from Terminal Tirtonadi Solo we can ride tricycles or public transport to Balekambang Park. Location of this park is quite close to the main terminal.  

So, be ready to play with the king's daughter park? :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gajah Mungkur Reservoir

Gajah Mungkur Reservoir Dam
 Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is located about 3 km from the town of Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. The water supply of the dam is from Bengawan Solo River, the longest river in Java. Its construction was in 1975 until 1981. The lake of the dam covers an area of 8.800 ha and has capacity to irrigate 23.600 ha of rice fields in the regencies of Klaten, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen.

It supplies the drinking water for Wonogiri and electrical turbine with capacity of 12,4 M.W.  This is also a beautiful place for water recreation. There is a pier for boots to take people around the lake and also available facilities for water skiing, fishing and floating restaurant. The hand-gliding sport can be enjoyed here.

Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is also a wonderful place for recreation. Here are the boat to circle the waters, as well as a fishing spot. Moreover, it can also enjoy their sport hang gliders (hang gliding) well known as "Gantole". In the dry season, water reservoirs will discharge a small and visible part of the reservoir base. Reservoir on the outskirts of the base used by local people to plant crops, like corn.

These reservoirs are planned to be 100 years old. However, sedimentation occurs causing an estimated age of the reservoir will not be long. Jasa Tirta Solo overwhelmed to perform maintenance. Damage to the watershed which causes severe sedimentation of the reservoir is very high.

Waterboom in Gajah Mungkur Resort
And most recently Gajah Mungkur Reservoir was built in the complex Waterboom. Waterboom is still new, about last year was completed and inaugurated. Access roads and transportation facilities that support these attractions are very easy and inexpensive. Only takes about 10 minutes from the City Wonogiri visitors can directly get to this resort.  

This resort presents a mix of natural attractions, children's games, and various cultural performances with support facility that is quite complete. Facilities provided include wildlife parks, elephant ride tame, swimming pool, children's toys arena, train a rabbit, a place of worship, toilet, parking lots, boat, water bikes, paragliding facilities, the entertainment and culinary tours in the form of a floating restaurant which provides a menu of grilled specialties indigo. 

For visitors from outside the area around the attractions has been widely established hotels and lodgings are comfortable with cheap rates. In addition, there is a zoo in the tourist complex is Gajah Mungkur Reservoir.

Bengawan Solo River

Sand miners in Bojonegoro 
 East Java

Bengawan Solo is the longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to embouchure near Surabaya, on the Java Sea.

Regretfully, the river is now shallow and it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north of East Java.

It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area.

It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya.

In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others.

There is a well-known song 'Bengawan Solo' composed by Mr. Gesang. It was the famous Indonesian singer-songwriter Gesang, who composed the celebrated Indonesian melody "Bengawan Solo" during World War II -- when the country was under Japanese occupation. The song describes the legendary river in a poetic and nostalgic way, that it is surrounded by mountains, its sources are near the city of Surakarta, that it ends in the sea, and that the merchant class always makes use of it.

The Late Mr. Gesang

It is in the local Keroncong style, a popular folk style with influences from Portuguese. The Japanese, who occupied the country during World War II, brought the song with them to Japan after returning from the war. There, and also in the rest of Asia and later worldwide, the song became very famous. 

Bengawan Solo, as the longest river in Java is very special, even its history is longer than its length of river. Long time ago, this river was the life vessels of most of the Java Island's dwellers, even once as the landing place of an iron bird.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Klewer Market

Pasar Klewer, North Alun-Alun Complex
West of Kasunanan Surakarta Royal Palace
Solo, Central Java
Pasar Klewer in Solo is the biggest batik market in Java, a great place to buy not only the less expensive stamped cloths (Batik Cap), but also some of the best hand drawn (Batik Tulis). There are plenty of tailors in the market who can make shirts and skirts a day.  Pasar Klewer shouldn't be missed, especially for travelers who love to shop.

During the colonial era Pasar Klewer was a train station. People also used this place to sell merchandises to the train passengers; therefore, it was called Slompretan Market. The word slompretan comes from slompret (means trumpet) because the departing train’s sound is almost similar to the sound of the trumpet blown. 

Slompretan Market was also thronged by merchants who sell their textile products such as batik. These merchants sold their batik by carrying them on their back/shoulders and the batik looked dangling (klewer).

Later, this market is well-known as Pasar Klewer - dangling market.
In 1970s, this market was renovated into a huge two stories permanent building. This market accommodates two thousand kiosks and the buyers would feel more comfortable to shop because of the wide stairs giving more open space.

Walking along its wide aisles, from one block to another block, various kinds of batik clothes as if persuade you to buy them. From kebaya (Javanese traditional woman cloth), fabrics, formal clothes, to batik shirts, house dress, beautiful blouses and kids clothes. Not only Solo Batik, this market also provides batik collections from Banyumas, Pekalongan, Madura, Yogyakarta, etc.

You will easily find both the stamped batik for thousands rupiah and written batik which is way cheaper than the one in boutiques/stores. Bargaining skill is the most important thing to get the best price. Most of the kiosks also sell wholesale for cheaper price instead of buying in retail.

Go to the second floor, you will find various kinds of textiles, from school uniform, shirt, jacket, ties, cotton fabric, and silk. The unique thing is, there are tailors in this market, ready to sew the fabric you bought into your dream cloth in less than a day.

Tired of shopping and walking around this textile market, you can go to either the front or the side of the market. Various kinds of food stalls are not only ready to be a rest place, but also the place to enjoy various kinds of traditional food. Nasi Pecel, Nasi Liwet, Tengkleng, Dawet, Gempol and many kinds of food and drinks are ready to relieve your thirst and hunger.
Pasar Klewer Opening everyday from Monday to Sunday: 09.00 a.m. to 04.30 p.m.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kasunanan Palace

The Kraton Surakarta (Kasunanan Palace) is the older and more important of the two royal palaces at Solo (Surakarta).  It was built by Pakubuwono II in 1745 and then expanded at the beginning of the 20th century. A fire destroyed Kraton Surakarta in 1985 and it has since been reconstructed. There is a museum on the grounds, and you can also take a guided tour, but much of the Kraton is not visitable since it is still home to the Surakarta royalty.

Kraton Kasunanan in Surakarta is one of the palace which is still active among the royal palace in Central Java, precisely located in Surakarta. Actually there are 2 (two) pieces of the city palace in Surakarta. They are Kraton Mangkunegaran and Kraton Kasunanan. Both of The Kraton are still headed by a king. They still frequently solemnize ceremonies inherited from the ancestral kings. Among of them are sacred ceremony which we often call with syuronan that carried out every 1 Syuro in Javanese calendar.
Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta open everyday 09.00 - 14.00, except Friday.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tawang Mangu Waterfall

Tawangmangu? Yeachh…… Tawangmangu is a name of the area at the foot of Mount Lawu in District of Karanganyar. Because the existence of the plateau are in place, making the attraction is still fresh and cool air temperatures, especially at night, the day so a lot of tourists who visit here. With beautiful scenery, hills and fields of farmers who gave a cool green color makes it an ideal place for us to unwind and refreshing.

Tawangmangu located about 36 KM east of Solo City Central Java. Tawangmangu very easy to reach from Solo City. Transportation access is easy, because there are public buses that almost every 30 minutes are available to take you from Terminal Tirtonadi Solo.

Along the way to the Tawangmangu we will see the beautiful scenery on either side and colder air typical of mountainous regions.

Tawangmangu has become one of the favorite tourist destination for many tourists. Mainly domestic tourists. Beautiful nature and fresh air are always interesting people to visit the tourist attractions that are still inhabited by wild monkeys.

Any tips so that visitors are not disturbed by wild monkeys. Do not carrying luggage such as bags or food or when you pass around them. The monkeys will be close to you. And when you off guard they will seize it and brought the run to the trees. Advised to embrace the luggage like a bag in the chest.

There are several places to stop off when we travel to many regions of this wild monkeys.

These places include:

1. Grojogan Sewu. Grojogan Sewu can be regarded as an icon of tourism in Tawangmangu. This place is suitable for family tourism. While enjoying the natural beauty of these locations we can rest and eat a meal or chicken satay skewers with the family rabbit. There is also a pool for those who want to swim, of course the water is colder than a swimming pool in the city:

2. Cemara Sewu. Cemara Sewu is the major tourist attractions on the slopes Lawu also beautiful and interesting place to visit. Here we can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

3.Peak of Mount Lawu. Peak of Mount Lawu is challenging to climb. Track mountaineering Mount Lawu clearly easier for the climbers to reach the top. And most preferred is the beauty of Peak of Mount Lawu. From the top we can see Lake Sarangan and other mountain chains in East Java. Camping ground, For those who like camping, in Tawangmangu also have a good camping spot (for example in the area Sekipan Tawangmangu, there are places for camping and outbound tracks are very interesting).

Here also there Tawangmangu Traditional Market where we bought fruit, fresh vegetables and souvenirs.