Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Klewer Market

Pasar Klewer, North Alun-Alun Complex
West of Kasunanan Surakarta Royal Palace
Solo, Central Java
Pasar Klewer in Solo is the biggest batik market in Java, a great place to buy not only the less expensive stamped cloths (Batik Cap), but also some of the best hand drawn (Batik Tulis). There are plenty of tailors in the market who can make shirts and skirts a day.  Pasar Klewer shouldn't be missed, especially for travelers who love to shop.

During the colonial era Pasar Klewer was a train station. People also used this place to sell merchandises to the train passengers; therefore, it was called Slompretan Market. The word slompretan comes from slompret (means trumpet) because the departing train’s sound is almost similar to the sound of the trumpet blown. 

Slompretan Market was also thronged by merchants who sell their textile products such as batik. These merchants sold their batik by carrying them on their back/shoulders and the batik looked dangling (klewer).

Later, this market is well-known as Pasar Klewer - dangling market.
In 1970s, this market was renovated into a huge two stories permanent building. This market accommodates two thousand kiosks and the buyers would feel more comfortable to shop because of the wide stairs giving more open space.

Walking along its wide aisles, from one block to another block, various kinds of batik clothes as if persuade you to buy them. From kebaya (Javanese traditional woman cloth), fabrics, formal clothes, to batik shirts, house dress, beautiful blouses and kids clothes. Not only Solo Batik, this market also provides batik collections from Banyumas, Pekalongan, Madura, Yogyakarta, etc.

You will easily find both the stamped batik for thousands rupiah and written batik which is way cheaper than the one in boutiques/stores. Bargaining skill is the most important thing to get the best price. Most of the kiosks also sell wholesale for cheaper price instead of buying in retail.

Go to the second floor, you will find various kinds of textiles, from school uniform, shirt, jacket, ties, cotton fabric, and silk. The unique thing is, there are tailors in this market, ready to sew the fabric you bought into your dream cloth in less than a day.

Tired of shopping and walking around this textile market, you can go to either the front or the side of the market. Various kinds of food stalls are not only ready to be a rest place, but also the place to enjoy various kinds of traditional food. Nasi Pecel, Nasi Liwet, Tengkleng, Dawet, Gempol and many kinds of food and drinks are ready to relieve your thirst and hunger.
Pasar Klewer Opening everyday from Monday to Sunday: 09.00 a.m. to 04.30 p.m.

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