Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kasunanan Palace

The Kraton Surakarta (Kasunanan Palace) is the older and more important of the two royal palaces at Solo (Surakarta).  It was built by Pakubuwono II in 1745 and then expanded at the beginning of the 20th century. A fire destroyed Kraton Surakarta in 1985 and it has since been reconstructed. There is a museum on the grounds, and you can also take a guided tour, but much of the Kraton is not visitable since it is still home to the Surakarta royalty.

Kraton Kasunanan in Surakarta is one of the palace which is still active among the royal palace in Central Java, precisely located in Surakarta. Actually there are 2 (two) pieces of the city palace in Surakarta. They are Kraton Mangkunegaran and Kraton Kasunanan. Both of The Kraton are still headed by a king. They still frequently solemnize ceremonies inherited from the ancestral kings. Among of them are sacred ceremony which we often call with syuronan that carried out every 1 Syuro in Javanese calendar.
Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta open everyday 09.00 - 14.00, except Friday.

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