Friday, July 13, 2012

Balekambang Park

Balekambang Park, Solo City, Central Java Province
Balekambang park is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani, Surakarta Residency, Central Java Province. It was built in 1921 by King KGPAA Mangkunegara VII to the king's daughter, GRAy Partini Hussein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta. Now, the statue of the king's daughters could be witnessed in the area of ​​the park with an area of ​​approximately 9.8 hectares. Balekambang park is divided into two area, namely Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch.  

In addition to this place there is also a Traditional Arts Building "Ketoprak Balekambang" and cafe run by young artists Solo. Blend of traditional and modern art in a place, a unique. In the 70's into 80's Ketoprak Balekambang Building used as stage show Srimulat which at that time was having a heyday. In fact, the park also had a nasty location before revitalized as it is now.

Partini Tuin or Water Parks Partini

Partini Tuin or Water Parks Partini, is a large catchment pond and serve as water reservoirs. There are some games that type of water can be used by the visitors to have fun and unique swan-shaped seating in the pool to relax

Partinah Bosch or Forest Partinah Bosch
Partinah Bosch or Forest Partinah Bosch is a garden area planted with various plants and rare trees. Nan old trees here to make a giant garden views to green, lush, and exotic. Some visitors seemed to relax in the reserved seats in the garden area, sitting on the grass with your family / loved one, and some looks fun to play with turkey and deer that are left loose in the park (the latter is my own ding lol).Free Removable 

Deer released freely in the garden area
The domestic animals released freely in the garden area. This is what makes the park look international class. If the parks overseas often we see dozens of idle pigeons in the park, so do Balekambang Park. There are many domestic animals are released free, not only pigeons but also deer, geese, turkeys, and several other domestic animals. 

If you do not feel challenged playing with deer and turkeys, we can visit the Reptile Park which located in the Balekambang Park area. In this park, visitors can play around with a giant snake, iguana, Angora rabbits, hornbills, eagles, and some other animals. While venomous reptiles and some wild animals / wildlife remain grounded for the safety of other visitors. Depok bird market and Ornamental Fish Market is also being developed to integrate with this Balekambang Park area. 

Admission Park entrance is free of charge. If using a private vehicle, the new visitor might pay parking charge. 

To reach Balekambang Park, from Terminal Tirtonadi Solo we can ride tricycles or public transport to Balekambang Park. Location of this park is quite close to the main terminal.  

So, be ready to play with the king's daughter park? :)

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