Friday, July 20, 2012

Taru Jurug Animal Park

Wildlife Parks Jurug Taru (TSTW), Solo Central Java Province
A recreational park on Jl. Ir. Sutami located on the banks of Solo River. Visitors can relax under the trees while enjoying the beauty of Solo and watch animals that currently there are 60 species, including animals that have been drained named Kyai Anggoro. 

 In this park there is also Gesang Monument built to honor the services of Mr. Gesang Keroncong Maestro Solo with his song, and Gesang Studio which is currently used for the performing arts keroncong music.

Wildlife Parks Jurug Taru (TSTW) or better known Jurug Park is located on the outskirts of Solo near the Solo River, other tourist attractions visited by many people is also often used to celebrate the customs Solo. Custom events are often held solo shows here eg Syawalan the peak marked by float Ageng Gethek Tingkir Joko

Thousands of people thronged the Solo and the surrounding areas and seputaran TSTJ Solo River which is used as a place pelarungan. The procession which tells the story of Joko Tingkir's journey towards Demak was conducted in Bengawan Solo River, ranging from Pesanggrahan Langenharjo Grogol, Sukoharjo to Butuh Sragen, with a stop first at the Wildlife Park Taru Jurug (TSTJ) Solo.  

Implementation of the cultural procession will then have a huge interest from the community Solo. This is seen by thousands of people crowded along the Solo River flow is bypassed by the parade procession.
In TSTJ have animals of Sriwedari Bon Raja collection. Among these are the elephant that named Kiai Anggoro.

In addition there is an early children's playground or a kids play ground. In this playground the visitors who come with their children can ride an elephant or just playing swing and others.

In the middle of this park there is a lake where visitors can wade in the existing boat riding. Or you can also fish in this lake.

Entertainment events are regularly held the manager are campursari and dangdut music.

Open every day at 8:00 to 17:00 pm.

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