Monday, July 9, 2012

Tawang Mangu Waterfall

Tawangmangu? Yeachh…… Tawangmangu is a name of the area at the foot of Mount Lawu in District of Karanganyar. Because the existence of the plateau are in place, making the attraction is still fresh and cool air temperatures, especially at night, the day so a lot of tourists who visit here. With beautiful scenery, hills and fields of farmers who gave a cool green color makes it an ideal place for us to unwind and refreshing.

Tawangmangu located about 36 KM east of Solo City Central Java. Tawangmangu very easy to reach from Solo City. Transportation access is easy, because there are public buses that almost every 30 minutes are available to take you from Terminal Tirtonadi Solo.

Along the way to the Tawangmangu we will see the beautiful scenery on either side and colder air typical of mountainous regions.

Tawangmangu has become one of the favorite tourist destination for many tourists. Mainly domestic tourists. Beautiful nature and fresh air are always interesting people to visit the tourist attractions that are still inhabited by wild monkeys.

Any tips so that visitors are not disturbed by wild monkeys. Do not carrying luggage such as bags or food or when you pass around them. The monkeys will be close to you. And when you off guard they will seize it and brought the run to the trees. Advised to embrace the luggage like a bag in the chest.

There are several places to stop off when we travel to many regions of this wild monkeys.

These places include:

1. Grojogan Sewu. Grojogan Sewu can be regarded as an icon of tourism in Tawangmangu. This place is suitable for family tourism. While enjoying the natural beauty of these locations we can rest and eat a meal or chicken satay skewers with the family rabbit. There is also a pool for those who want to swim, of course the water is colder than a swimming pool in the city:

2. Cemara Sewu. Cemara Sewu is the major tourist attractions on the slopes Lawu also beautiful and interesting place to visit. Here we can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

3.Peak of Mount Lawu. Peak of Mount Lawu is challenging to climb. Track mountaineering Mount Lawu clearly easier for the climbers to reach the top. And most preferred is the beauty of Peak of Mount Lawu. From the top we can see Lake Sarangan and other mountain chains in East Java. Camping ground, For those who like camping, in Tawangmangu also have a good camping spot (for example in the area Sekipan Tawangmangu, there are places for camping and outbound tracks are very interesting).

Here also there Tawangmangu Traditional Market where we bought fruit, fresh vegetables and souvenirs.

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